act your age, eve brown by talia hibbert
It was such a delight to hang out with the Brown's again!
I love a trope of confined spaces, it's just so hard to resist the tension between the characters!
I bonded with Eve the least of the sisters in the family. However, I did bond with her enough to constantly call her Evie, as though we were old friends. I mean, it’s pretty normal in a family to have a preference between the siblings, am I right?
There's something special about a final book in a series. You get to revisit your favorite characters with their respective partners. You confirm that the duo's were MFEO. (You know you get that reference! Sleepless in Seattle? Made for Each Other!)
I would consider the steam level of this novel to fall in line with the whole series, as a 5 out of 5 steam level..
Okay let's talk about the hero in this book. I very much liked Jacob- I appreciated his candor and his specificity of every to-do list item at his Bed and Breakfast. Oh, did I not mention He was the owner of a B&B? I know! Can it be anymore Hallmark themed? I love it! (Let's be clear, it's Hallmark with a 5 steam level!)
Let's talk about the character who stood out the most to me... Jacob's best friend! I loved him and his sisters, and I hope then get a series on their own!