my rating system


star ratings

1 star - burn it

2 star - dont read it. But feel free to regift it if you bought it

3 star - read it if the subject interests you

4 star - read, buy, but not required

5 star - Must read, must buy, must share with friends. required reading

steam ratings

0 steam - officially a cute read. 

1 steam - suggestive flirting, sexual tension, fade to black sex scenes

2 steam - semi descriptive play by plays, then fade to black

3 steam- descriptive play by plays, not vulgar

4 steam- semi vulgar, very descriptive

5 steam- hide your kids, hide your wives. Vulgar, descriptive, graphic.

required reading

Here’s your friendly reminder that just because I mark things as required reading doesn’t mean you’re going to love it. Make sure it’s marked in a genre you love or want to start reading.