Hi, I’m Dux
You might recognize me from season 9 of America's Next Top Model. ... you might not. I am a wife to a super cool guy, a stay-at-home mom to three bratty buns kiddos and a big library goer. I'm a Northern California girl living a Midwest life who hates the winter but loves the silence the snow leaves behind. I love recommending books to my friends and I hate paying my library fines. I love fast paced storylines so you'll typically catch me with a Young Adult novel in my hand. When I'm not corralling kids, cleaning up, or reading, you can catch me watching Gilmore Girls for the zillionth time. Oh, and in case you were wondering... I was not actually a contestant on ANTM- but I almost had you there, right?
I am passionate about reading because it's a misunderstood art form. Yes we're smarter than non readers because we read... okay so maybe it's not misunderstood. My point is, everyone could be a reader but we've been required to read so many bad books that we think we don't enjoy reading! Have you ever met anyone who doesn't like SOME movie or tv show? NO! That person doesn't exist. Because there is something out there for everyone! The same is true of books. My goal is to help you find a book that makes you finish it- that takes you into its world, that makes you friends with the characters, and makes you dumpster dive just for a chance to read the author's grocery list. Once we find what you like, you can cruise over to my lists and KEEP READING!
Required reading was lost on me in high school, but I figured better late than never! I am working my way through a required reading list and reviewing the books along the way. But lists are meant to be updated - so check out my list of what SHOULD be required reading.
Not here for the books? Great! I’m evolving into a full lifestyle girl! Scroll around and find what you love!