Crave by Tracy Wolff
official blurb
arc review
My whole world changed when I stepped inside the academy. Nothing is right about this place or the other students in it. Here I am, a mere mortal among gods…or monsters. I still can’t decide which of these warring factions I belong to, if I belong at all. I only know the one thing that unites them is their hatred of me. Then there’s Jaxon Vega. A vampire with deadly secrets who hasn’t felt anything for a hundred years. But there’s something about him that calls to me, something broken in him that somehow fits with what’s broken in me. Which could spell death for us all. Because Jaxon walled himself off for a reason. And now someone wants to wake a sleeping monster, and I’m wondering if I was brought here intentionally—as the bait.
5 out of 5
what i liked
what i didn't like
while reading you should
Okay I know you might think it's insane that I'm giving a vampire book five stars but, listen - this book was 572 pages of awesomeness. Okay so it's not on my list of required reading for fiction lovers, but it IS on my list of required reading : paranormal reads. (If you're keeping track, so far this list includes a book about a fallen angel and now a book about a vampire).-I found the characters super likable! I wanted even more scenes about Macy (is it weird that we really barely see her interact with her boyfriend? I mean, it's not like there wasn't time... 570+ pages!).-I zoomed through reading this, I was always looking forward to picking it up and I never wanted to put it down. If I read this on an ebook on my kindle I would've read it through the night for sure.-Jaxon. Jaxon. Jaxon. That is all. I could go on, but Grace will for me in the book so I won't.-Grace... okay I wasn't obsessed with her but generally I tend to get annoyed with main characters in books like these. I couldn't make my way through The Mortal Instruments series completely because of Clary. So Grace was a welcome change. While I've never read twilight (I know, I need to rectify that STAT!) I have seen the movies. And Kristen Stewart in those movies (picture as many eye roll emojis as humanly possible right here, okay?). Anyways, I was expecting Grace to be reminiscent of Bella in twilight.-All of the fantastical creatures! (no spoilers from me!)-The library featured in the book. I know that's random but this is my review, what are you going to do about it?!The cheese level in this book is REAL. The insta-love is there.... it is strong...the smell of it is wafting. (Okay, I think you get it).The first interaction between Jaxon and Grace was so incredibly bizarre. I could not get over it. Who physically touches someone when they first interact...prior to even exchanging names?! Who, I ask you?!I couldn't get a good grip on what Jaxon actually looked like because all Grace kept observing was something along the lines of... (and i'm paraphrasing here) "Jaxon's eyes...looking into my soul. Knowing me somehow. Showing me the despair that only he could detect deep within my own bones." So yeah... I couldn't figure out what he looked like.Listen... I realize the "do not like" list is long for a five star book. I rarely even write anything under this header when a book ranks 5 stars. But that's why it's in my guilty pleasures list. Because... yes there were some flaws, but omg it was so good!Watch: Legacies (you can binge it on Netflix!)Listen to: Autumn Leaves by Miles DavisDo: hydrate... you can never drink too much water!Okay, last but not least, I'm gonna include one of my favorite scenes in the book (there were a lot to choose from but I feel like I need to sell you on this book because I loved it. Some would even go so far as to say, I devoured it. ... see what I did there? Also, lets go ahead and be annoyed together that Grace doesn't use punctuation when she texts) :
Jaxon: It's supposed to be a warningJaxon: Winky kiss emojiMe: Of what?Jaxon: Things that go bump in the nightJaxon: You never can be too carefulMe: I like scary storiesJaxon: But do you like the monsters in them?Me: I guess it depends on the monsterJaxon: I guess we'll see, then, won't we?Me: I don't know what that means
DuxSignature smallercopy
You're hooked right?! Go read this book and then tell me all about your feelings because you will have them all when you read them! Oh... I guess I should also mention that this is book one and book two does not come out for a year. Oopsies. But still... go read it!