Bake With Me Recipes!

  • Le Vain Knock Off : Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies

    • These are a tried and true favorite of mine. I love getting these cookies whenever I'm in NYC and they've quickly become my most made cookie recipe. Be sure to check the ingredients on this one because it could feature some things you don't keep in stock in your house!

  • Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

    • I never make plain banana bread anymore. Because, why not have dessert banana bread? (This isn't the exact recipe I use but mine is hand written so i'm not sure where I got it from!)

  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

    • like eating Reese's pb cups in cookie form. even better when you use dark cocoa instead of the regular!


Crave by Tracy Wolff


MY required reading: Children's books for Easter