winter things i’m loving
Do you ever feel like you’re so hygge that you don’t even know what to do with yourself? I know, me too. My husband has taken to calling me the queen of cozy because I vibe with cozy as hard as I can. Here are some of my favorite things that have made me the queen of cozy…
double walled glass mugs
okay, we know I need mug accountability. I buy mugs a lot. But I have found that I’m currently obsessed with these glass mugs. I use them for my nespresso vertuo, and for my teas. I can sometimes find them at homegoods for a really good price as well!
I’m obsessed with loose leaf tea right now. I have it every night and I have zero regrets about it. I actually started drinking peppermint tea because I read it could be good for endometriosis. But now I’m a tea convert and I drink it all. This blend is amazing. They carry it in black/decaf/herbal blends so you can enjoy it no matter when you drink it!
everyday luxe candles
I’ve been lucky enough to find these on occasion at TJmaxx/Marshalls/HomeGoods. And I am obsessed with these three wick candles. They have the best throw (did you know that’s what people call how far the smell travels in your house?). I’ve given these as gifts so many times because I love them so much!
I had a friend reccomend these pj’s to me with rave reviews. I did a drive up pickup at kohls for them and fell in love! They are so cozy! They’re a bit roomy- which I like. I liked them so much, I went back to get a second pair with a different print!
Something that’s really helped me with my anxiety during the pandemic/post partum time have been puzzles! I have loved 300 piece puzzles because I can do them in one/two sittings. So I get the serotonin release for completing a puzzle. Some much needed accessories when I’m doing a puzzle: a folding table I can keep away from my toddlers. Sorting bins. This has been a game changer for how quickly I can complete a puzzle!
I hunt these down like a black Friday sale when all of the winter stuff comes out. I was personally able to find mine at Walmart- but you can’t purchase them online from Walmart. So here’s the link to Amazon if you’re in a pinch. I also grabbed a bag of Andes mint chocolate chips. I haven’t tried them yet- but I think it’ll be pretty hard to beat these ones!
waterproof kindle paperwhite
There literally cannot be a list of my favorite things that does not list the kindle. I’m obsessed with my kindle. You can usually snag these on a deal multiple times in the winter season. (Which if we’re honest actually starts in the Fall). I read with mine in the bathtub, I can take it to the lake in a kayak…because it truly is waterproof! I swear it’s helped me fall asleep faster when I’m reading. (I’m a notoriously bad sleeper). No blue-light and no nightstand light on!
The other thing you really need for a hygge vibe is the perfect ambiance room. If you don’t use these rooms on youtube, you need to. They create the perfect background vibe while you’re drinking your tea and doing that craft you purchased all of the supplies for 6 months ago. So here in no particular order are some ambiance rooms I’ve been into this winter: