The Tourist Attraction (Moose Springs, Alaska #1) by Sarah Morgenthaler
tourist attraction
What's this? Another old review that I've stumbled upon? Yupp... You know me, I love to draft without publishing or fine tuning anything and then have 92727390218 drafts! Don't worry, I'm working on it! This one comes at you from March 2020.
arc review
Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book which comes out on May 5, 2020.
All I keep thinking while reading chapter one is, why does the author keep repeating the characters names all the time? Graham and Zoey. Almost every sentence starts with their name, it seems like! Seriously... Why?
Do you ever read a book and think that perhaps the author is either way smarter than you are (a very likely case) or from somewhere other than America (a less likely case)? Because as I was reading I thought some phrasing was a bit off. And at one point asked the question: what the heck is a cudgel? I still don't know the answer as to whether or not the author is perhaps British but I did look up a cudgel and can say definitively that the author's diction is far superior to my own.
I know that people like to liken the hero in this book to Luke from Gilmore Girls. The classic grumpy diner owner in a small town. But... well let's be honest, I'm team Christopher. Perhaps herein lies the problem as I trudge forward with this read.
In the end, I had to DNF this book (did not finish). I was so excited to get my hands on it but after seeing the characters interact, I feel confident that I'm not the right reader for this book.
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