Donut Disturb by Melissa Williams
3 out of 5
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Thank you to the author for this complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
what i liked
This book had some really funny moments. Cassidy's inner dialogue made me laugh out loud. It was a really quick read that definitely made me crave donuts!
Ready for my favorite quotes? I knew you were ready:
Were they...blasting country music? Inconsiderate and bad taste. This was a nightmare, it had to be.
"Mom, you hate exercise."
"No, I don't!" she yelled. "I'm very active."
I rolled my eyes. By her definition, fast walking from the couch to the kitchen and back before Netflix started playing a new episode was "very active."
what i didn't like
My biggest hold up with the book was how things were said on the page that I didn't feel off the page. Cassidy had some relationship hold ups that I didn't get to learn about as a reader. I didn't feel Bax's and Cassidy's relationship develop even though I was reading it.
Overall it was a quick fun read which was what I needed when I needed it!
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