The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez
Remember me screaming about my love for The Friend Zone? Well this book takes place after that one... it can definitely be read as a standalone book but honestly... why would you ever skip The Friend Zone?Two years after losing her fiancé, Sloan Monroe still can't seem to get her life back on track. But one trouble-making pup with a "take me home" look in his eyes is about to change everything. With her new pet by her side, Sloan finally starts to feel more like herself. Then, after weeks of unanswered texts, Tucker's owner reaches out. He's a musician on tour in Australia. And bottom line: He wants Tucker back. Well, Sloan's not about to give up her dog without a fight. But what if this Jason guy really loves Tucker? As their flirty texts turn into long calls, Sloan can't deny a connection. Jason is hot and nice and funny. There's no telling what could happen when they meet in person. The question is: With his music career on the rise, how long will Jason really stick around? And is it possible for Sloan to survive another heartbreak?
An amazing grieving girl falls for a famous world traveling boy...before she realizes she would have to travel all of the time too.
🔥🔥🔥🔥 out of 5 steam level
I loved this story! I read it really quickly... like in two sittings. It had me hooked! I loved the love story and meet cute! Revisiting Josh and Kristen from The Friend Zone added so much to the story! The best part of this book was easily how in love Sloan and Jason were. I kept thinking that the whole time I was reading it! I think a lot of people who may not have bonded with Kristen as much in TFZ will love Sloan. Jimenez wrote both characters really well and their personalities are so different from one another - I could just see a lot of people being #teamsloan. I loved the closeness of Jason and his family in this book- that was a big highlight for me. I hope to even see more glimpses of the family in future books! (Hey, it's a three book deal! Maybe book three will be about his family!)
I think one takeaway from this book could be that the main couple was codependent. It might be a turn off for some readers. This was easily my favorite rockstar romance that I've ever read- in general that trope really doesn't hit home for me. With that being said- there were still moments in this book that I wanted to hurry the rockstar drama along.There was a bit of mystery (strong word here... more like a plot point that is revealed later on in the story) regarding a character named Lola and I solved that really easily and early on. It didn't take away from the storyline per say - but I felt it should be noted. Overall this book had high drama. I didn't love this aspect of it, but I adored the love story so much that it was able to drive the story home for me and still had me adoring this book.
Do: Go through a car washDo: Make a new playlist!Listen to: ...well the entire playlist that the author includes at the back of the book. but if you're too lazy to flip there I'll include one song... Keep Your Head Up by Ben HowardEat: A cupcake. And if you're close to Nadia's cupcakes - go there! (The author owns that bakery!)