Happy Trail (Park Ranger #1) by Daisy Prescott
A man of few words, Ranger Jay Daniels values the calm, quiet solitude of the Great Smoky Mountains. Never quite fitting in with either side of his family, he prefers the company of birds and trees to people.Yeah, he'd most definitely prefer a bird--any bird, any bird at all, take a vulture for instance--to the human-tornado hybrid that just blew onto his peaceful stretch of the Appalachian Trail. The path of true love never has run smooth for Olive Perry. After getting dumped and promptly abandoned in the middle of her multi-month hike, Olive swears off men. Determined to finish the long trek by herself, she doesn't need a prince--or broody and taciturn ranger--to save her. Yet, when an early snowstorm threatens the mountains, and Ranger Daniels is charged with getting hikers to safety, that includes hot-tempered Olive Perry. Snowed in and forced to share an abandoned cabin, can Olive's heated intensity melt Jay's cool reserve And if so, will this happy trail lead to true love? Or will their time together be just another bump in the road?
(I will clarify that I think this book would be in the 3 star range if you weren't reading them as a fan of the SmartyPants Romances and simply reading it alone)🔥🔥🔥 out of 5 steam level
Wow what a slow burn! This book features some amazing tropes. In addition to the slow burn, we have a snowed in / confined space romance! These are some of my favorite tropes! It also features an opposites attract trope.I know I said the steam level is 3/5 and it is, but overall because it's a slow burn book- the sex scene (that's right- just one) is easily skippable making this book have a wider audience appeal!You know the book/movie Wild that everyone loved (okay I didn't like it at all, don't judge me!) This is like a romance take on that book. The heroine is walking *mostly* alone on this insanely long hike across multiple states. I love how admired this is in the book- but I can honestly say I don't get the appeal. Who can leave their lives for 6 weeks for a hike? I don't know who... I wouldn't do it but I'm not outdoorsy so that's just me. So if I said this book made me wanna walk the trail, I would be lying to you. But I will say I enjoyed reading about Olive's walk on the trail!Jay was so likable and complex. He is have Japanese and half white. We get to learn a lot about what it's like to grow up with that identity. He had a lot of Drew vibes from Beauty and the Mustache- so if you loved that book (like I did!) this book will be right up your alley. In fact Drew makes an appearance!!! No spoilers but it might have been my favorite scene in the book!I wasn't exactly sure where in the timeline of smarty-pants romances that this book took place, but I can tell you it's after Beard Science.At the beginning of the book I had some nerves that I would dislike Olive. She seemed to have poor communication skills and I was apprehensive that I would be able to handle that as the book progressed. I am happy to report that I did end up liking Olive and you will too! But if I was going to mention a con in this book it would be Olive and her avoidance version of communication.
Go read this book! It was so fun to read and perfect for the fall/winter months!
-Go for a walk (around your neighborhood...let's not get crazy here) and see what birds you can spot!- Eat: pop-tarts and pie (not at the same time bc wow, sugar overload)-Plan a trip to the Smokey Mountains (I've been and it was awesome! Unlike the book we saw plenty of bears up close and personal... Like real close.) Or if bears aren't your thing... Plan a trip to Japan!-watch (I know you're thinking I'm gonna say Wild but I didn't finish the movie so no.) I smell snow episode of Gilmore girls, officially known as Love and War and Snow (Season 1 Episode 8)