Stop - and - Go Devotional by Diane Stortz
Stop-and-Go Devotional provides short, active devotions based on Bible stories, designed for busy families with preschoolers and primary-grade children. Written by bestselling author Diane Stortz, this to-the-point, interactive devotional gives bite-size teachings on how to follow God. Each short devotion consists of an action-filled Bible story (Stop and Read), an age-appropriate devotional thought with questions and a brief prayer (Think and Talk), and an easy and fun follow-up activity, a thought to remember, and a supporting Bible verse (Green Means Go!). This book provides a way to have intentional quality time with your kids; it's fun, educational, and meaningful for your family's faith journey together.
A devotional for families to do together geared towards kids. Featuring a breakdown of a bible story, some questions, and an activity.
The only thing I didn't like about this book, is that it does take longer to complete the devotionals than my previous devo I was doing with my kids. It also is a bit too old for my 2 and 4 year olds to do, the "Think and Talk" section specifically.
I know, I literally just mentioned that this book was a bit longer than I was expecting for devos. Sometimes it felt too long for what we were used to. But that is also something that I liked.I LOVE LOVE LOVED the "Green Means Go" sections. This was the part that has little activities to do with your kiddos to weave in what you just learned in the story. We had a lot of fun doing this together as a family.The illustrations at the start of each devo were super cute and need to be mentioned because I really liked them! It's cool to see biblical characters drawn with brown skin, so points for that in my book!Overall, while my kids are a bit too young for this book, we will keep adapting it to our needs with the questions sections and continue reading it together!