The Hooker & The Hermit by Penny Reid and L.H. Cosway
5 out of 5 steam level
There's a section in this book when you feel as a reader that Annie should feel bad about keeping a secret. Then her mentor brings down the "truth-of-the-matter" hammer. It was a really cool perspective for me to read and I really enjoyed that part of the book.
Wow this book was not for me. After reading the steam level in this book, I feel like I should go back an edit some R.S. Grey books because there were definitely tame compared to this one.What's BDM? Is that the right term for the whole 50 shade of Grey vibe? Okay I googled in haha! BDSM! That was featured in this book. I felt like I had to skim so much of it! I was so disappointed about it, because I have really enjoyed Penny Reid books in the past.Ronan, our main guy- he was possessive (why is this an attractive quality for romance readers? This is not a good quality!). He had anger issues. He wanted control (in and out of the bedroom). I didn't feel like the couple ever loved each other, it was just a book written under the pretense of reading so that people can read gross sex scenes. Too harsh? Well, I'm the one who read the darn thing and clearly I'm not thrilled about the time wasted haha.
Stop what you're doing and walk this book over to the fireplace. Throw it in.