I See London, I See France by Sarah Mlynowski

for the official book blurb look heremy blurb- Girl who's mom never leaves the house goes on a European adventure with her mostly annoying best friend and finds Europe and summer flings to be just her style.4 out of 5This is the perfect summer read for anyone traveling.  And as an added bonus it is going to be part of a series- but does NOT end on a cliff hanger (hooray!)I had just finished watching The DUFF for like the 7th time when I began to pick this book up to read it. So for that reason, I pictured Wesley- aka Robbie Amell- as the character Jackson in this book.  So if anyone gets the rights to this book to turn it into a movie- he's my current vote.Why this book is worthy of a 4 star rating you ask?  Because it was realistic. It was summer. It was fun. It was escapism.I loved the friendships- especially Kat and Sydney- but sometimes Leela as well.  I even loved the friendship between Matt and Jackson.  They all seemed fairly relatable and realistic.I loved the blurbs about the countries! I have been to Europe- but have not visited all of the places that they did, and it was so fun to reminisce and add some new places to my list.Also, it confirmed to me that there is no reason to backpack Europe.  Why not suitcase Europe?  I mean, really... why isn't that a thing?I can't wait to read the next books in this series. And although it isn't a cliff hanger- I do wish i would've waited to start it until all of the books are out. I am so tired of waiting a year in between novels and hoping I still remember the characters and enjoy spending time with them! (cue the- "Amen Sister Girl!" any time).But seriously- vacation summer reading list..Dux.


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